지극히 개인적인 영어 공부

English study : New year's eve, New year's Day, the sweet spot between A and B, the sweet spot where S + V + O.


1. New year's eve, New year's Day.

New Year's Eve ---> December 31

New Year's Day ---> January 1


My wife should work until 10 o'clock at night on New Year's Eve.

My mission would be to make him to go to bed before 10PM.


I hope you have a good year. --> This could sound like we won't meet next year. 

--> Have a good week! Have a good evening! 

I hope your year is good.


I can't believe it's the end of the year.

I hope we can get back to normal.



2. the sweet spot between ~, the sweet spot where~


(A is) the sweet spot between B and C. 

--> We need to find the sweet spot between their goals and ours.


....the sweet spot where S + V + O. 

--> We need to find the sweet spot where [both our customers and we]/[both of us] are happy.



Sentence Structure & Grammar.

catch a taxi 


During their stay  (During + N)


It was really fun.


very tiny/small people --> physically, they are small

very tiny/small group of people --> the group is small


evening ---> from dinner time to around when people go to bed 


Sorry for being late.





progressive dinner --> an event where you have each course of your dinner at a different place

catered meal --> when a catering company prepares a meal for an event



summarize (V)

summary (N)

---> When summarizing, ask yourself: If I leave a detail out of my summary, does my summary's meaning still completely match the meaning of the original text?




Stress & Pronunciation.




present (V) --> (pree-ZENT)

present (N/ADJ) --> (PREH-zint)


map of them (MAPuvthum)


ideas (i-DEAS)


hypotheses (hy-PAH-thuh-sees)



thesis (THEE-sis)

theses (THEE-seez)


closer to yours  (CLOSER-duhyerz)



