지극히 개인적인 영어 공부

By the end of vs until the end of, math problems vs questions, getting worse vs being made worse, etc.


1. by the end of vs until the end of.

My company will have 100% telecommuting by the end of next month.

--> My company will start it by January 31.


My company will 100% telecommute until at least the end of next month.

--> The telecommuting will last until at least January 31.


If our company makes it clear that we will telecommute for a few months more...



2. math problems vs questions (+word problems)


He takes some tests and tries to solve math problems.

He answers English questions.


word problems --> math problems in short paragraphs.



3. getting worse vs being made worse.


Conditions are getting worse... --> general expression; can also imply natural worsening.


Conditions are being made worse... --> implies outside actors actively affecting.



4. immigration, immigrant, expat.

immigration --> the act of going to another country permanently

immigrant --> person who goes to another country permanently


expat / expatriate --> person who moves abroad, usually for work

'Most foreign workers in Korea are expats.'



5. immigrate to vs emigrate from.

immigrate ---> go TO another country permanently

"My German grandparents immigrated to the Midwestern United States."


emigrate ---> exit FROM your country to another country permanently

"My grandparents emigrated from Western Germany (to America) after WWII."



6. A is (fraction) the size of B.


People in their fifties are the largest chunk of people in Korea.

People under ten are 1/3 of people in their fifties. --> 1/3 of people in their fifties are actually under ten. (???)

People under ten are 1/3 the size of people in their fifties. ---> A is (fraction) the size of B.



7. divide, multiply, add, subtract.

divide --> Divide A by B.

multiply --> Multiply A times B / A by B.

'A [times / multiplied by] B equals C.'


add --> Add A [to / plus] B.

'Add A to B, and then you'll get C.'

'A plus B equals C.'


subtract --> Subtract A from B.

'A minus B equals C.'


8. one by one vs one on one.

one by one --> one at a time

'Please come up to the desk one by one.'


one on one --> with one other person only

'This is a one-on-one class.'



9. hair salon vs barber shop.


hair salon --> for men and women, provides more services (longer haircuts, dying, etc.)

barber shop --> for men only, more limited/simple haircuts


hair shop X 


10. tired vs tiring.

I was tired.
It was very tiring. 



Sentence Structure & Grammar.


This pandemic is having another peak.

We will experience inflation.

Stocks could be a good alternative to restore purchasing power.



Even though the pandemic will disappear, it will take a lot of time to rebuild our economy.

Bankrupt companies cannot be revived easily once they [go bankrupt / file for bankruptcy.]



have a view of N --> I have an upbeat view of this issue.



I heard that Korea's population is aging the fastest. (more everyday ??)

Korea has the most rapidly aging population. (more neutral to formal)


There were more people than I expected.
"More" or "ADJ-er" is MANDATORY with than. 



have a talk with someone

I had a one-on-one talk with my colleague.





exacerbate (ihg-zaah-ser-bayt) --> make something worse

'The COVID-19 crisis exacerbated situations of businesses who were already struggling.' 



upbeat --> positive, optimistic, cheerful

'That is an upbeat view.' // 'She is upbeat.'



spotty --> having uneven quality ; inconsistent

'WiFi is often spotty in more rural areas.'

'His performance record is spotty.'



"Whenever you're ready." ---> You can do it whenever you're ready. 



a straight shot --> a simple and clear path

"It's a straight shot from here to the restaurant." (literal)

"The process is a straight shot." (figurative)



A: Where is the Empire State Building?

B: It's just down the road (ahead on the same street); walk a few blocks and you'll see it.



Stress & Pronunciation.




managed to (mannijd-tu).

inched up (inch-dup).


exit (EHG-ziht)


word / walled / world


shut vs shot (shㅏt)


reality (ree-AAAHL-lih-dee)


post-purchase stages (post-purchastajiz) --> ADJ + N combinations are said like one word.


closer (ADJ) (cloSSSer)
