1. prepare vs prepare for.
The Korean government made a task force to prepare for the next administration.
prepare + N --> You actively prepare N.
prepare FOR N --> You are getting ready for N.
2. load vs browse (when we use internet).
The article has loaded. / I've loaded the article.
I'm browsing (= surfing) the Internet.
3. run-up.
run-up --> the period before a significant or notable event
'The run-up to the election was very tense.'
'The run-up to the (organizational) restructuring announcement was tense.'
--> The time before this big event was tense (caused anxiety/nervousness).
--> Note: We usually use 'run-up' to talk about the time that exists just before a big event. It's generally not time that we can control.
tense --> anxious, nervous
4. telecommute.
Understandable, but Not Natural !!
Is this the first telecommuting of you?
Is this the first telecommute of your institute?
More Natural !!
Is this the first time you are telecommuting at your institute this year?
Is this the first time your company is hosting the conference?
5. chunk of.
A chunk of (something) --> an amount of something
Q: 'During this telecommuting period, how many students canceled their classes?'
A: 'A good chunk of them (A decent amount of them), from what I remember.'
'This procedure takes a small chunk of the company's income.'
'These days, I'm spending a big chunk of time taking care of my child.'
6. infant, baby, toddler, child and kid.
infant / baby --> 0-~1
toddler --> ~1-3
child/kid --> general term (used at 3 years or older)
7. memorize vs have a memorial vs remember.
memorize --> purposefully remember information, often for a test or presentation.
have a memorial for --> have a special event to remember a past event or person who passed away.
remember --> think about or recall.
I took part in a memorial event.
I attended a memorial. (N--event)
I went to a memorial. (N--place)
Example: the Korean War Memorial; the Washington Memorial
8. somber.
somber --> serious and sad
'The atmosphere at the memorial was somber.'
9. 예배 --> worship service or church service.
10. indicative.
indicative (in-dih-kuh-tiv) --> A is indicative of B.
--> This data is indicative of economic problems.
11. direct one's energy toward vs focus one's energy on.
direct one's [energy / effort / attention] toward N/V-ing
redirect one's [energy / effort / attention] toward N/V-ing
--> You need to redirect your attention toward another task.
--> (implies that our attention is being focused on the wrong thing)
An easy situation is not good for focusing my energy (on my work).
focus one's energy on N/V-ing
12. avtive verbs.
Some verbs that are usually or always active:
--> usually indicate natural actions
increase, decrease, occur, happen, change, disappear.
Plans changed. (focusing more on the subject and changing itself)
You changed.
disappear --> always active!
Most of these bingo chips were disappeared.
Other Sentence Structure & Grammar.
No one needs them.
Non-managers have a lot of spare time.
I'm not Catholic.
They checked my temperature.
It's different from person to person.
[The video / audio] is lagging a little.
Usually, in these sectors, more women are working than men.
I am gaining weight.
I don't want to show him lots of Youtube contents. (You are acting.)
I don't want him to watch a lot of Youtube. (He is acting.)
Stress & Pronunciation.
ease vs easy.
April (ApriLLL).
losses (lㅏs-siz).
shopping mall vs more.
anxious (ank-shus).
anxiety (ang-zye-yuh-dee).
filing vs filling.
contract (V) vs contract (N).
produce (V) vs produce (N).