지극히 개인적인 영어 공부

Get one's call vs Take one's call 차이, Zoom bombing & troll, Year old vs Years old 차이, Urban vs Suburban vs Rural


1. Get my call vs Take my call.

They don't get my call. → My call doesn't go through.


They don't take your call. → They miss or ignore your call.


2. Zoom bombong & troll.

Zoom bombings a trend where trolls entered random Zoom meetings, trolled the attendees, and left.


troll (N)  person who trolls.


troll (V)  purposefully make people angry online with your actions.



3. Year old vs Years old.

Year old (Adjective) A five-year-old child... (Adjective)


Years old (Noun) At four years old... (Noun)

- I can't understand why Korean-style private education starts at four years old.



4. Urban vs Suburban vs Rural.


urban  metropolitan, big city 


suburban / the suburbs  in between

I grew up in a small, suburban city.


rural  the countryside


5. Unwittingly vs Accidentally.

unwittingly  done without awareness or intent.

I unwittingly did that thing.

I unwittingly downloaded a virus onto my computer. (without any awareness)


I accidentally bumped into him. (unintentionally, didn't mean to)



6. Extroverted vs Introverted vs Ambiverted.

extroverted gets energy from being with others.


introverted  gets energy from being by themselves.


ambiverted  both extro- and introverted.



7. Ambi.

ambi-  both

ambidextrous  can use both their left and right hands equally



8. Today's Sentence Structure & Grammar.


My work-life balance is not much better than before.

I need to spend more than an hour communicating with my colleagues.


I don't think this is not good for everyone. 


compel someone to V We can't compel everybody to follow this concept.


I need to work outside of normal (work) hours. 


It was not handled securely.


Cars made by Hyundai are common in Korea.

 If the relative clause is PASSIVE, 'that/who/which is' can be deleted.


Idiscussedmy report with my boss.


We've been arguing about this a lot.


Our teacher drove us home.


It can happen in public meetings.


We should do something under our real name.


I had a meeting with my son on my shoulders.

He greeted my colleagues on my shoulders while beating my head.

I don't like to be by myself.


I wasn't aware that I did it.


I browse the Internet (surf the Internet).

It's in the process of loading. 



9. Today's Vocabulary

folklore  myths and stories told by common people.

outright  completely; altogether.

'It was canceled outright.'


compromise  put at risk of harm or danger.

'The spy's location has been compromised! He needs to run.'


exec  executive

debilitating  makes you weaker

'MS is a debilitating disease.'
(MS -- multiple sclerosis -- 다발성 경화증)


allude to  imply, hint at

'He didn't directly say who would get the award, but he alluded that it would be me.'


local  in the current area

'This business is local.'

'I live locally.'


task-based language teaching (TBLT)


oral storytelling.


make history  do something remarkable that will be remembered throughout the course of history

He is making history.


He is making a timeline of earth's history.


scrutinize  examine very critically and carefully

'He scrutinized the report.' (He read the report very carefully and with criticism.)


steer something  guide or control the movement of something

'He steered the car with the steering wheel.'


all the more  even more, notably

'It's become all the more important for us to make this deal.'


mission  an institution with a long-term assignment in a foreign country (example: embassy, consulate).

diplomat --> a person.



10. Today's Stress & Pronunciation.



goal vs gore (lots of blood/guts  Halloween movies often are gory / have a lot of gore.)


use (N) (yoooSS).



wife vs wives .



earth's (erths).


vying (v아이잉)  vie for something --> strive to get something, especially in competition.


anonymity (aah-nuh-nih-mih-dee).


ally (애L-lie).


bureau (byur-row).


consulate (kahn-suh-lit).
