Be home to.
be home to (thing) --> (thing) is located in / comes from / is mainly based in (place)
'...South Korea, home to Samsung Electronics Co....'
'Seoul is home to the Doosan Bears.'
batter something --> severely beat / damage something (literal or metaphorical)
Exports were battered by the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Get a bingo.
from 4 to 64 --> five across / an entire row across
from 4 to 14 --> five down / an entire row down
from 4 to 68 --> five diagonally (대각선)/ an entire row diagonally
free space --> a space in the middle that you can automatically mark
I played a lot of things with him.
We try to get a bingo (mark an [entire/whole] row on a bingo card).
get a call, take a call
They don't get my call. --> My call doesn't go through.
They don't take my call. --> They miss or ignore your call.
exec --> executive
debilitating --> makes you weaker
'MS is a debilitating disease.'
(MS -- multiple sclerosis -- 다발성 경화증)
allude to --> imply, hint at
'He didn't directly say who would get the award, but he alluded that it would be me.'
**Dates are always spoken with ordinal numbers.
Nov. 22-26 --> 'November 22nd to 26th'
compel someone to V --> We can't compel everybody to follow this concept.
south (sowth) / southern (suh-thern)
north / northern
west / western
east / eastern
world (woruhld) vs walled
Investors refer to Korean export data because it's the fastest data in the world.
goal vs gore (lots of blood/guts -- Halloween movies often are gory / have a lot of gore.)
Overall, Korean exports rose about 11%...
The vaccine is being prepared...
My work-life balance is not much better than before.
I need to spend more than an hour communicating with my colleagues.
I don't think this is not good for everyone.
I need to work outside of normal (work) hours.