지극히 개인적인 영어 공부

English Study : apartment complex, staggering, south of, occur


Stress and Pronunciation.

quickly (KWiklee)

apartment complex.

--> 아파트 단지 (cluster of apartments).

global citizen.

--> a person who views themselves as part of a worldwide community; they are committed to improving our world civically, environmentally, etc.

--> This has a more positive connotation. 


The connotations of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of. (=association)


The word carries connotations of romance.


connotation of.


This expression has a negative connotation.


staggering (ADJ).

--> very, very astonishing (shocking)

The wealth disparity in America might be staggering for some people.

"I was staggered (very shocked) by the news.



south of / southern part of.

Most of the Chinese nuclear generators are located along the coast of China. The coast is west of Korea.

If one of their generators explodes, that would be a disaster for Korea.

Most of Korea's nuclear generators are located along the east / west coast of Korea.


Okinawa is south of Korea.

Busan is in the southern part of Korea.


take a call.

Can I take a call? // I'm sorry; I need to take this. 



'Occur' is always active!

If inflation occurs... 


bigger budget / smaller budget.

They are preparing a bigger / smaller budget.
