parentheses & brackets.
parentheses --> ( ..... )
brackets --> [ ..... ]
Korea Appraisal Board (KAB) --> '...or KAB'
Thought groups.
multiple homeowners
--> Hone in on the idea of thought groups.
- Bermuda vs Balmuda.
- ideal investment.
- presence (prehs-zins).
- whereas (where-aaahz).
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.
You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause. (=while)
a household name ---> something or someone that is very well-known to the public
J.K. Rowling is a household name.
Rep. --> Representative
apprehensive --> anxious or worried that something bad could happen in the future
'I am apprehensive about the influx of foreign buyers.'
V + more + ADV + than || more ADV + V than
Foreigners in Korea can buy real estate more easily than Koreans.
They can buy real estate in other countries more easily than before.
They are more eager to allocate their assets abroad.
real estate & residence & space.
We need to put more taxes on investments IN real estate.
It's their actual residence.
The space in Korea is relatively small compared to the population.